
Monday, 27 October 2014

What Sweet Music They Make...

We're obviously all very excited about Goth at the BBC this week on BBC 4, but meantime, a few tunes from unusual places...

Emily Jones and The Rowan Amber Mill take us to a place we feel like we remember...the half remembered terrors of the seventies folk horror TV series The Book of the Lost...

You can download the album via iTunes, amazon, or in deluxe versions via Rowan Amber Mill Bandcamp.

The group are one of the bands to feature on the equally eerie and inspired new album Songs From The Black Meadow...

"The Black Meadow is a piece of heathland located on the North york moors, just next to the early warning system at RAF Flyingdales. It is a place steeped in folklore and mystery. This is a place where many people have gone missing, swallowed up in the dense mist. Black Meadow is renowned for strange phenomena such as ghostly villages, time slips and bizarre transformations. You could find yourself trapped there, surrounded by horsemen, meadow hags, bramble children or creatures made from the fog itself..."

The mix below features recordings from the artists who feature on the album, to give you a flavour of what to expect.

The track below, Never Come Home, was created as part of a poetry competition which was won by Catherine Baird, inspired by drowned villages such as Bothwellhaugh in the Clyde Valley. The poem was set to music by Stuart Braithwaite of Mogwai and read by actress Shirley Henderson. You can read more about the project on the Scottish Book Trust blog.

Here's one of our own spoken word pieces with The Friends of the Gable...

And finally, to take the edge of all that darkness, here's a classic Beatles Halloween Cartoon...

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